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Water Department

The Waterbury Water Departments mission is to provide safe, pure drinking water to the City of Waterbury, its residents and bordering town customers. Our core values are to provide outstanding customer service in all facets of our operations and administration, preserve the watershed areas with responsible, environmental compliance, stewardship and maintenance and develop a work force that is skilled, diverse, team orientated, customer friendly and works safely.

The Waterbury Water Department supplies on average 14 million gallons of drinking water per day to more than 125,000 people in Waterbury, Watertown, Prospect and Wolcott with almost 400 miles of water main and more than 26,000 water service connections.  Drinking water is sampled daily with more than 100 Ct. DPH approved compliance sampling sites throughout the distribution system.  Water is tested in compliant laboratories to ensure that all standards of water quality are being met or exceeded as set forth by the Ct. DPH and Federal EPA regulations.


Links & Documents

Admin/BIlling Forms
Real Estate Closing - Account Balance Payoff Request

Water Rate Schedule - Effective July 1, 2021

$2.65 Water User Rate (per CCF)
Water Service charge (all sizes) is $12.00/quarter
Fire Service Charge (annual)

*1ccf = 748 gallons

  • 2" or smaller connection $77.00
  • 4" connection $308.00
  • 6" connection $693.00
  • 8" connection $1,232.00
  • 10" connection $1,925.00
  • 12" connection $2,772.0
Sewer Rate

Sewer Use Charge (per CCF) = $2.472
Sewer CRC (Capitol Recovery Charge) (per CCF) = $1.481

Approved Waterbury Sewer Rates FY24