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Online Payments Selection

Do I owe taxes? Check the tax bill inquiry system

Online Payments:

Pay Your Parking Ticket
Pay Your Car, Real Estate and Property Taxes
Pay Your Water/Sewer Bill

Mail-In Payments:

  • Make checks payable to: Tax Collector, City of Waterbury.
  • Please write your account number on the check.
  • Remember to include your payment stub with your check.
  • A courtesy reply envelope is included with your tax bill.
  • Mail to: P.O. Box 2216, Waterbury, CT 06722-2216

If you wish to have a receipt returned to you, please include a self-addressed envelope with your payment.  During periods of high volume, we appreciate your patience.  Please do not mail in cash payments. 

Walk-In Payments:

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

You also have the option to pay your property and real estate taxes in person at the Tax Collector's Office, 235 Grand Street, 1st floor.  Click here for directions to City Hall.  Parking is plentiful.

We accept Cash, Check, Money Order, Credit Cards (Visa, Master Card & Discover) and Debit Cards.  Revenue Collection Office suggests you keep your receipts for 15 years.

Delinquent motor vehicle taxes must be paid in person with Cash or Credit Card in order to obtain a tax release.  Check your DMV records for issues with property taxes, emissions, insurance.  Remember: DMV No Longer Accepts Paper Tax Releases.

Three types of property are assessed and subject to taxes:

  • Real Estate: any land or buildings you own.
  • Motor Vehicle: registered motorized or unmotorized cars, trucks, trailers, and motorcycles (for tax purposes).
  • Business Personal Property: business equipment, machinery, furniture and fixtures either owned or leased by a business.  Unregistered motor vehicles are also taxes as Personal Property.

Taxes are due in July and January.  First installment is due July 1; and second installment is due January 1.  To avoid a penalty, please pay or have a post office postmarked envelope by August 1 and February 1, respectively.

Tax bills totaling $200 or less are due in one installment.  Pro-rated supplemental motor vehicle taxes, for vehicles registered after the October 1 assessment date, are due in one installment on January 1.


Contact Information

Tax Collector
Frank Caruso

Deputy Tax Collector
Nancy Olson

Phone: (203) 574-6810

City Hall Building
235 Grand St., 1st floor
Waterbury, CT 06702

Real Estate & Personal Property:
Phone: (203) 574-6815
Fax: 203-346-6162

Motor Vehicle:
Phone: 203-574-6811

Balance and Control:
Phone: 203-574-6706
Fax: 203-573-6683

Hours of Operation:
9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

E-mail: Tax Collector's Office