The annual water main flushing program will begin the first week of April. The maintenance is done in an effort to maintain good water quality, remove mineral buildup & sediment and inspect the fire hydrants. Flushing will take place in sequence from zone 1 to zone 20 and is expected to take up to 3 months to complete. Please follow The City of Waterbury Mayor's Facebook page for more timely information on weekly street flushing schedules.
Work is scheduled between the hours of 7:30am and 3:30pm Monday thru Friday. Please refer to the map and streets listed to find your zone and numbered sequence for flushing. Special circumstances, like critical care facilities or schools may extend flushing hours in that area.
When flushing, you may experience some fluctuation in pressure because of the high velocity of flowing water scouring the inside of the pipes and discolored water occurs from the harmless sediment that was stirred up.
Please refrain from using the washing machine, dishwasher and other water consuming devices until the flushing is complete and the water has cleared. This is not a health concern but more of an inconvenience. For example, laundry can become a rusty color and is in need of more cleaning with a detergent that removes the discoloration.
The water usually clears up after a few minutes but if your water continues to be discolored after an hour or more please contact the WWD at 203-574-8251 press 1 or email us at
Please refer to our website under the Water Department tab and read our FAQ on discolored water.
Flushing Zone Map
To access the Hydrant Flushing Routes please use the drop-down menu system.
Superintendent of Water Rob Langenauer
Asst. Superintendent
Bradley Malay
Customer Service For billing inquiries and general customer service questions please email us at
Billing & Collections 210 Municipal Road
Phone: 203-574-8251 Fax: 203-346-2382 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 3:50 p.m.
Walk-in Payments Tax Collector's Office 235 Grand Street, 1st floor
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
21 East Aurora Street Waterbury, CT 06708 Phone: (203) 574-8251 Fax: (203) 574-6849
For water distribution, water mapping and field operation questions please email us at
Billing Supervisor: Marc Levesque
Collections Supervisor: Fjorela Cucllari
Environmental / Water Quality Manager: Chris Savage
Construction Manager:
Sammy Khouadra
Dispatcher: Holly Rubbo
Bureau Engineer: Terry Latifi
Controller: James Berthelson
General Foreman: Joe Dalessio