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Board of Public Health

§31.020. In accordance with the provisions of §6C-2 of the Charter of the City, there shall be a Board of Commissioners of Public Health which shall consist of seven (7) members, no more than four (4) of whom shall be members of the same political party. No more than four (4) members shall be physicians, dentists or pharmacists licensed to practice in the State of Connecticut. One (1) member shall be a member of the Board of Aldermen for a term corresponding to said member’s immediate terms as an Alderman. Successors shall be appointed for a term of four (4) years. The Health Department shall act as secretary and record keeper for the Board and shall forward copies of all goings on of the Board to the City Clerk.

The Commission shall meet on the Second Tuesday of the month at 4:30 p.m.
Name Party Contact

Patricia Russell
131 Kenmore Avenue
Waterbury, CT 06708
Term: 01-01-24 to 12-31-27


(D)  H: 203-575-9314
C: 203-217-3128

Lisa Gordon-Green
168 Columbia Blvd.
Waterbury, CT 06710
Term: 01-01-24 to 12-31-27


(D) C: 914-447-5580

Jacqueline  Jackson
136 Woodside Avenue 
Waterbury, CT 06708
Term: 01-01-24 to 12-31-27


(R)  C: 203-695-3073

Margaret A. O’Brien
22-4 Malone Drive
Waterbury, CT 06705
Term: 01-01-22 to 12-31-25


(I) C: 203-558-5977

Sandra Martinez-McCarthy
29 East Liberty Street
Waterbury, CT 06706
Term: 12-01-23 to 11-30-25


(D) H: 203-558-3609

Sarah Noujaim
311 Windy Drive
Waterbury, CT 06705
Term: 01-01-22 to 12-31-25


(R) C: 203-586-8404
W: 203-756-8021 ext. 3409

Shelly Kemp
129 Taft Pointe Unit 3
Waterbury, CT 06708
Term: 01-01-22 to 12-31-25



(D) C: 860-877-2078