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3/20/2025 - Waterbury Plan of Conservation and Development Survey

Waterbury City Plan Commission seeks community feedback on Plan of Conservation and Development

The Waterbury City Plan Commission (CPC) is seeking input from residents and stakeholders through a community survey to help guide the City’s updated Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD). The survey is now open and will be available through the end of April. It can be accessed by visiting the City’s website, or by visiting The survey is available in English, Spanish, Albanian, and Portuguese.

The POCD is a comprehensive plan that outlines policies and priorities for the City’s growth and development over the next ten years and was last updated in 2015. The survey covers a range of important topics, including housing, economic development, quality of life, community facilities and services, transportation, infrastructure, and natural resources. Input from residents will play a crucial role in shaping strategies and priorities to enhance the community’s future. Community workshops will be held later in 2025.