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1/5/2021 - Municipal Tax Relief Deferral Program


On April 20, 2020 the City’s Board of Aldermen elected to implement a Deferment Program as set forth in the Governor’s Executive Order7S, §6, allowing eligible City residents, businesses and landlords an extended grace period to defer the interest on their payment of property taxes, and water & sewer user fees until 90 days from the initial due date, instead of the usual 30 days. As set forth in Governor’s Executive Order 9R signed on December 16, 2020, the City will implement the same Deferment Program applied to the tax deadlines and collection efforts for tax bills that become due and payable on January 1, 2021. Deferment is not automatic. You must submit an Application to the Tax Department by February 1st, 2021 and be deemed eligible. Please note: If you previously applied and were approved for the July 2020 Deferral Program, you do not need to reapply for the January 2021 Deferral Program. Real estate escrow agents and leasing companies are ineligible for the Deferment Program. Said election shall apply to any property tax, water and/or sewer charge that becomes due and payable on January 1st, 2021.

New applications MUST be received by the Tax Office by February 1st, 2021.
Late applications cannot be considered.

Eligible Resident:
Household has suffered a reduction in income of at least 20% due to COVID 19.

Eligible Business / Non-Profit:
Revenue is expected to decrease at least 30% in the October 2020 to January 2021 period versus the October 2019 to January 2020 period at this property.

Eligible Landlords:

Property has or will suffer a significant revenue decline, OR that commensurate forbearance was offered to the tenants or lessees.

Please note that interest will accrue back to the initial due date at 1.5% per month on any unpaid balance as of the end of the 90 day grace period

How to obtain a Deferral Program Application

•  Click on the link below to access the application and instructions to complete and submit.
                             Deferral Program Application & Instructions Link

•  Send email request for the Deferral Program Application & Instructions to:

•  Call the Tax Office at: (203) 574-6811 or (203) 574-6815 to request that an Application & Instructions be mailed to you. Please note that there is an extremely short window to apply and this may not be the best way to get an application back to the Tax Collector’s Office by February 1st, 2021.

•  Visit the Tax Office at City Hall, 235 Grand Street – only if in person pickup is the only available option to obtain the Application & Instructions.