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5/12/2020 - Important Announcement Regarding the 5/26/2020 Board of Aldermen Meeting and the Second Budget Public Hearing

May 12th, 2020

Important Announcement Regarding the 5/26/2020 Board of Aldermen Meeting and the Second Budget Public Hearing

In an effort to adhere to social distancing guidelines, and promote the safety of our residents, Tuesday’s upcoming Board of Aldermen meeting and budget public hearing will be held without normal in-person public access. This decision came after Mayor O’Leary ordered the partial closing of Waterbury City Hall, the Chase Municipal Building, and the Jefferson Square Office Building effective Monday, March 23rd in response to the coronavirus.

To ensure that the general public has the ability to view, listen, and participate in Tuesday’s Board of Aldermen meeting and Budget Public Hearing, a number of measures have been put in place:

  1. Tuesday’s meeting will be broadcasted live on the City of Waterbury’s Government Access Channel (Comcast Channel 96; Frontier Channel 6096).
  2. Individuals interested in providing comment during the Budget Public Hearing scheduled for 6:30 PM, or the regularly scheduled Public Speaking portion of the meeting, are invited to call (203) 597-3477.
  1. Beginning at 6:00 PM, the city’s Information Technology staff will compile a chronological list of callers who would like to provide testimony or public comment.
  2. Those callers will be asked for their name, address, and phone number.
  3. City Information Technology staff will call back residents when it is their turn to provide comment. Individual’s comments will be projected to the Board of Aldermen through the use of an intercom speaker.

Background: Governor Lamont suspended “In-Person Open Meeting Requirements” when he signed Executive Order #7B. To read Executive Order #7B, please click here.