The City’s residential street sweeping program continues for the next eight weeks
Below is information regarding the next two weeks of the program. Detailed updates will be provided through local media sources including the City of Waterbury website.
Property owners are asked to sweep their sidewalks into the immediate gutter line, removing any debris, litter and leaves. Sand should not be swept into large piles.
Wednesday May 9th
Crew 1 will be working in District 1-1. District 1-1 includes streets in the lower Highland Ave. area from Sunnyside Ave. south to the Congress Ave and Highland Ave. east to Riverside St/Charles St. This area includes the entire Brooklyn Neighborhood.
After completing District 1 this crew will begin work in District 4 starting at the Wolcott town line proceeding west to Woodtick/Frost Rd areas.
Crew 2 will begin sweeping in District 6-1 which is in the north side of town and includes the Bucks Hill/Montoe area.
After completing the District 6 this crew will begin working in District 3 starting in the Scott Rd area.
The Public Works Department will post signs in the districts prior to scheduled sweeping. Every effort should be made to remove parked vehicles from the scheduled routes prior to the arrival of the sweepers. Vehicles not removed during the sweeping operation may be towed at the owner’s expense.
Weekly updates will be posted in the newspaper and on the City website (