The break on the 42” High Service Transmission Main that occurred on 2/14/15 has been repaired. The Line is currently being flushed to remove the stale water and will be sampled for laboratory tests to ensure that the water quality is acceptable before it is placed back in service. We anticipate that it could be returned to service as early as Saturday 2/21/15. During this procedure, discolored water can be generated in affected sections of the water distribution system. With time, the water quality will improve.
Until the Transmission Main is returned to service we ask customers to limit unnecessary water usage to help maintain the water system recovery.
Motorists should also continue to avoid using Thomaston Avenue near the Thomaston town line until the road has been reopened for traffic, which is planned for Friday, 2/20/15.
The Bureau of Water apologizes for any inconvenience caused by this break. We remind all customers that emergency problems can be reported 24/7 by calling 203-574-8251.