On Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. Mayor Neil M. O’Leary, community groups, banks and non-profit agencies will join the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at Waterbury City Hall, 235 Grand St. in kicking off the national initiative Earned Income Tax Assistance Awareness Day.
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a program that helps low income workers keep more of their income through credits resulting in a larger income tax refund. Workers must have earned income and filed a tax return to qualify for the credit.
The City of Waterbury is partnering with Connecticut Association for Human Services (CAHS) to support community groups and local coalitions through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to offer free tax help by IRS-certified volunteers to low income individuals and families.
Since EITC is a refundable tax credit, applicants may get back more money than they actually paid in income tax.
“I am pleased to partner with CAHS to bring this valuable service to the citizens of Waterbury,” said Mayor O’Leary. “Eligible working families in our community will be able to take advantage of all tax credits available to them from professionally trained volunteers.”
If anyone has questions or requires further information, please contact any of the following EITC Awareness Day participating organizations: New Opportunities, Inc., Waterbury Youth Services, Inc., StayWell Health Center, Catholic Charities, Naugatuck Senior Center, and Chase School Family Resource Center.