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9/29/2014 - Connecticut Public Transportation Commission to Hold Public Hearing at City Hall


The Connecticut Public Transportation Commission will hold a public hearing at Waterbury City Hall, 235 Grand Street, on September 30 at 7:30 PM.  This will be the third of five hearings that the Commission holds statewide this fall to gather testimony from the public, transportation providers, public officials and other entities concerning the operation of public transportation services, dial-a-ride and ADA transportation and other issues.  The Commission seeks public comment on the extent to which existing services are meeting public needs and on improvements or new services to address unmet travel needs.  Local and regional issues of particular interest include service quality and suggested improvements to the Waterbury Branch of Metro-North, improvements at Waterbury train station, Naugatuck River Greenway status and potential linkages to Downtown Waterbury, value and usage of Naugatuck Valley Community College UPass program, bus passenger amenities particularly in Downtown Waterbury, adequacy of local bus service including the frequency of service, and other topics of interest to the public.

The Commission will use the testimony received at this public hearing as well as from other hearings conducted across the state in preparing recommendations for its annual report to the Governor, the Commissioner of Transportation and the Transportation Committee of the General Assembly.

In addition to the September 30 hearing in Waterbury, the Commission’s final public hearings will be October 8 in Meriden at Meriden City Hall and October 15 in Storrs at Mansfield Town Hall.   The Commission’s other hearings this fall were held in Hartford and Torrington.  The Commission also held hearings in New Haven, Stamford and Danbury this spring.