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3/18/2014 - Demolition and Redevelopment of SNET Building


The SNET building adjacent to the Waterbury branch of Metro-North Railroad is slated for demolition on Wednesday, March 19 at 10:00 a.m.

The demolition and redevelopment of 333 Meadow Street is a partnership between the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation, the City of Waterbury and the Waterbury Development Corp., the city’s economic development arm. The 24,000-square-foot building is owned by the State of Connecticut and once housed Southern New England Telephone Co.  The project is managed by Waterbury Development Corp., in conjunction with the state Department of Transportation.

The demolition is funded by a $1.5 million bond authorization by the State of Connecticut.  The building has been fully abated.  Once the dilapidated structure is demolished, the site will be brought to even grade with the adjacent rail parking area.

Phase two of the project will begin in the fall by redeveloping the site into a landscaped parking area, adding additional 50 parking spaces, renovations to the baggage area within the Republican-American building, creating restrooms and additional ridership amenities, such as a bus pick up and drop off zone, passenger waiting shelter, site lighting and green space.

“Future improvements to this site will help to increase ridership and draw additional attention to the importance this rail line plays to the economic growth of the city and downtown in general,” said Mayor O’Leary.  “We extend our gratitude to Gov. Malloy and Commissioner Redeker for helping move this project forward.” 

The project signifies the Department of Transportation’s continued investment into the Waterbury Metro-North rail line that will serve both rail users and the general public at this highly visible gateway to the city of Waterbury and its historic downtown.