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3/28/2013 - Main Street Waterbury Announces 2013 Stephen R. Sasala II Community Partnership Award


Main Street Waterbury Announces 2013 Stephen R. Sasala II Community Partnership Award

Waterbury, CT. (March, 2013) - Main Street Waterbury has announced that the recipient of the 2013 Stephen R. Sasala II Community Partnership Award is Michael Gilmore, Re-Investment Manager and Fair Housing Officer for the Waterbury Development Corporation.

Mr. Gilmore will receive the award on Wednesday May 15th at the Palace Theater at 5:30PM. Main Street Waterbury created this award to celebrate the leadership and contributions of the late Stephen R. Sasala who was the former CEO of the Waterbury Regional Chamber of Commerce and former President of this downtown revitalization program’s Board of Directors.

Steve Sasala advocated for quality planning and policy development, and practiced the leadership approach of setting goals and staying the course while recognizing and working toward the bigger picture. With these qualities, he continually provided support for addressing local work in ways that ultimately benefitted the more global good.

Michael had worked with Steve Sasala on several community initiatives mostly involving anti-blight efforts for the City. Michael is responsible for the securing and/or demolition of unsafe structures, enforcement of the city’s Anti-Blight Ordinance, and relocation of displaced tenants. As the city’s Fair Housing Officer, Michael organizes and implements public programs and distributes informational material pertaining to fair housing laws and rights. He is a member of The City’s Tax Auction Committee and Property Reuse Committee along with several other community organizations. Mike realizes that Waterbury’s greatest asset is its residents, and he takes great pride in working with them in the downtown and surrounding neighborhoods.
Main Street Waterbury CEO Carl Rosa states, “Those of us who knew Steve Sasala also know that Mike Gilmore brings the same level of community involvement and partnership building. We congratulate Mike on receiving this award and applaud his continuing efforts to make Waterbury a better place.”

In addition, Main Street Waterbury, for a third year will be awarding a Stephen R. Sasala II Scholarship. The successful applicant must possess the following attributes of public policy(via academics), leadership and community involvement while fully understanding how each attribute is linked together for the greater good of a community. Applicants must demonstrate their leadership interests by being actively involved in the classroom, in student clubs, and community organizations. In addition, the applicant must demonstrate how their involvement has contributed to their development as a future community leader.
Tickets for this event can be purchased at the Palace Theater Box Office. Call 203-346-2000 for details. A portion of the proceeds are for the Stephen R. Sasala Scholarship fund.

Sponsorship opportunities are available for this event. For more information contact the Main Street Waterbury office at 203-757-0701 ext. 302.

About Main Street Waterbury

Main Street Waterbury is a 501c3 non-profit, downtown management and revitalization program in the context of historic preservation. Through improving the physical appearance of downtown Waterbury, promoting its architectural and cultural assets, organizing volunteer initiatives, sponsoring events, and fostering public/private partnerships, Main Street Waterbury hopes to economically rejuvenate Waterbury’s downtown district without sacrificing its character or heritage.